Honoring Jobs Well Done for Job One

At Job One’s Annual Board meeting held May 29, 2019, we had the opportunity to give special thanks to three long-time members of our Board of Directors. Randy Huber (current Marketing Chair), Amy Schmidt (current Board Chair) and Mark Simcosky (former Board Chair and current Fund Development Chair) are each nearing the end of their multi-year terms on the Job One board effective the end of the organization’s fiscal year on July 1, 2019.

Randy, Amy and Mark have all served tirelessly on the Job One board for several years. They have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to our mission of providing employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. The leadership provided by Randy, Amy and Mark guided the organization through several pivotal changes in our 50+-year history, including our merger with Foundation Workshop and transition to from IBS Industries to become Job One. As board members they drove initiatives that put the people we serve first and championed efforts that will positively impact lives for years to come. We are deeply grateful for the contributions these three have made to Job One and for their dedication to our community.

View photos from our Annual Board meeting below: