Job One Training: Problem Solving

Problem Solving to Make Life Better 

Life can be rough sometimes; Problems seem to come up every single day. What do you do with problems? Some people feel anxiety when problems arise, some try to ignore them but some use problems as opportunities to take action and fix things. These people know how to problem solve.  

What is Problem Solving? 

Problem solving starts with looking at your world and environment and identifying things that could be different or improved. Once you think about the change you could make, say it out loud. It can be helpful to talk about it with a trusted person in your life. Identifying the problems can sometimes be upsetting. This is why problem solving is a learned skill. It does not come naturally and is often difficult. Try to express your emotions, but not let them overwhelm you in this process. 

Next, the solving begins. One problem solving technique is called “Brainstorming.” To do this, think of at least five ideas that could help solve the problem. Make a list of these ideas. There are no wrong answers during brain storming. The point is to think about every possible approach and find one that might work. To narrow this list of ideas down, think through each solution idea and consider if it is possible. You can do this by creating a pros and cons list for each idea you came up with. After these considerations, it is time to pick a solution and test it!  

Testing your idea out can be exciting and a little scary but go for it! If your idea does not seem to solve your problem, do not give up. This just means it is time to go back to brain storming solutions. Remember that famous scientists and inventors rarely succeed on their first attempt at solving their problem. They learn something critical from each and every failure that helps them succeed in the end. Problem solving is easiest with help! Ask others for help who have experienced the problem you’re trying to solve. Talk with trusted people in your life about the problem.

Never give up because you can make a difference in your world. You can solve that problem! 

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