How to Apply for Employment
If you, or a person close to you, would like to find out more about Job One’s employment programs, please contact:
- Kimberly Hankins, Director of Recruiting and Staffing, or 816-982-1121.
We will ask about your employment goals, and schedule a meeting to determine if we can help. You may be evaluated through an interview and hands-on skills tests in several job settings. If you meet our criteria, we will place you on our waiting list.
Note that Job One does not provide transportation services to employment sites. Most of our employees with disabilities use Developmental Disability Services of Jackson County – eitas; Elite; OATS, Inc.; family or residential providers.
From time to time, Job One employees, or those seeking our services, will have needs that we simply cannot meet. In these cases, Job One staff will tap into a large referral network to ensure that each individual receives the services he or she needs. Referral sources include vocational rehabilitation, state and county case management, MOCSA, DFS, Social Security, and local food and shelter agencies.