Job One Training: Self-Control


Self-Control can sometimes be more difficult than it sounds. Have you ever had to sit through a long meeting patiently? What about having to wait in line respectfully for food when you are starving? Sometimes in these situations, you just want to scream, walk out or cut the line.  


Why is Self-Control Important? 

While it may be hard to control ourselves sometimes, life is easier when everyone controls themselves and their emotions. Think about your workplace. Imagine that everyone yelled and cried each time they got upset or didn’t get what they wanted. This would not be a very positive or nice place to work.  When you control your feelings, actions, and words, you make life easier for not only your friends, family and coworkers, you make life easier for yourself. 

 Many Activities in Life Require Self-Control
  • Getting & keeping a job
  • Making friends
  • Dieting & exercising
  • Learning a new skill
  • Keeping your word
  • Cleaning the house
  • Almost everything!

 Self-Control is learned! Children are notorious for lacking self-control. Watch this experiment testing self-control with kids and marshmallows! 

When getting upset, choose a strategy. Examples can be found on this worksheet.