Job One Training: PPE- Gloves

Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE, might be a new household term across the nation, but a familiar term at Job One. Our employees are well trained on when and how to use PPE for each task. Some tasks at Job One require wearing gloves, but not all of them do! As there is some confusion on when to wear gloves outside of specific job requirements, we wanted to review the information provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on when it is and isn’t appropriate to wear gloves and other ways to protect yourself.

When to Wear Gloves
  • While you are cleaning it’s a good idea to wear gloves. Some cleaning products suggest wearing gloves (read the labels). Wash your hands when you’re finished cleaning and have removed and disposed of the gloves.
  • If you are caring for someone who is sick be sure to use disposable gloves and when finished using them, toss them in a lined trash can. DO NOT disinfect or reuse the gloves. Wash your hands after wearing your gloves.
  • Your job requires wearing gloves. When you finish with the task, be sure to wash your hands!
When Not to Wear Gloves
  • In most social situations wearing gloves is NOT necessary. For example, you do not need to wear gloves when running errands or using the ATM. Instead, practice proper hand-hygiene techniques.
What to do with Used Gloves 
  • Dispose of used gloves in a lined trash can.
  • Wash your hands after properly disposing of your used gloves.
  • This poster illustrates how to properly remove gloves.
Other Ways to Protect Yourself
  • Social Distance by keeping 6-feet away from others, wash your hands with soap and water (20seconds), use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, practice everyday preventative actions.