Imagine the Poss-Abilities

Community-Based Day Services (CBDS) gave Melanie the chance to step outside of her home environment and learn about who she is, what she loves and how talented she truly is. Many adults who live at home all their lives lack the opportunity to branch out and learn who they are independent of their immediate family supports. Melanie’s story is below…

Melanie is an adult woman who lives at home with her mother and sister. She rarely leaves her home due to her mother’s physical disabilities and age. Her sister works long and variable hours, rarely able to be home to support Melanie with community needs. She was previously employed through Job One’s sheltered workshop. When COVID forced Job One to close the recycling facility, Melanie no longer had a job. When beginning services with CBDS, her family members were very concerned about Melanie being safe while in the community. When discussing her interests, skills and goals, it became clear that they may be underestimating or assuming certain aspects about Melanie that were not completely true. For example, her mother explained that Melanie could not swim and would not be able to learn this skill despite her desire.
What we found was that Melanie is a social butterfly outside of her home. With the support of CBDS, she was able to become a member at her local community center and she joined an exercise swim class. CBDS soon learned that Melanie loves swimming and is very good at it. This swim class has many adults within her age range. She now participates in the swim exercise class weekly and has made many new friends. After she began participating with CBDS, she began working with our Careers employment services team and now has a job.

…CBDS gave Melanie the chance to step outside of her home environment and learn about who she is, what she loves and how talented she truly is. Many adults who live at home all their lives lack the opportunity to branch out and learn who they are independent of their immediate family supports.

Pictured: Melanie taking a selfie with her manager, Kevin.

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