I Want To Work

See current job postings, community employment, and day-services opportunities for people with disabilities.

I Want to Hire

Partner with Job One to find qualified candidates for your staffing needs. We also offer Packaging & Assembly Services to support your operations.

I Want to Help

Show your support to help people with developmental and physical disabilities achieve new levels of independence and personal success!

About Us

Connect. Engage. Belong.

Since 1967, Job One has been a forward-thinking leader in providing employment and community support services for individuals with disabilities in the Kansas City area. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit social enterprise, meaning we operate revenue-generating business units to support our mission, but we also rely heavily on contributions from the community. This funding is critical to our mission of building skills, creating connections and engaging our community to expand job choices for people with disabilities. This population too often goes overlooked, underserved and left without a sense of belonging. At Job One, see past disabilities to imagine the “poss-abilities” and create a more inclusive workforce. Learn how you can support our mission here.

Our Services

Job One Careers

Connecting candidates with employers for inclusive job opportunities in the community.

Community-Based Day Services

Highly personalized training and community activities focused on building job skills.


Federal program offering community employment opportunities through Job One.

Packaging & Assembly

Job One managed facility providing production support services for businesses.

Apparel Shop

Custom printing and embroidery services for t-shirts and more!


Make A Difference

Take A Tour

Visit our facility to better understand our mission of helping individuals with disabilities feel connected learn new skills.

Attend An Event

Attend a Job One event to meet our team and to learn more about how we support individuals with disabilities.

Become A Sponsor

Partner with us to make an impact all year long while gaining valuable exposure for your organization.


Your donations make it possible for Job One to provide compassionate and appropriate training, support, and mentoring in a safe environment.


People Served
Jobs Filled
Annual Donors
Wages Paid
Hours Worked
Facility Tours Given